Hello Hayley - AVO does not have a formal volunteer program. HVO in Hawaii runs a pretty good one, however. Best wishes on your studies, Cheryl -------- Hayley Ousby wrote: Dear Sir/Madam, I am an undergraduate student from Durham University in the UK and I am currently in my second year studying for a geology degree. I was just wondering if you ran any kind of volunteering programs at the observatory as I am currently looking for some work experience for the summer vacation. Volcanoes have always intrigued me ever since I started studying geography at secondary school, and I chose to do a degree in geology as I wanted to find out even more about how they are formed and how they impact the earth. I am especially interested in the monitoring of them and the methods used, especially geochemistry. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Yours faithfully Miss Hayley Ousby -- Cheryl Cameron Geologist, Alaska Volcano Observatory Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys voice: 907-451-5012 fax: 907-451-5050