Hello Chagnon- I think you are asking for data from REF during the 1989-90 Redoubt eruption, not 1998, correct? (there was no eruption at Redoubt in 1998). That data was recorded as analog data, and I'm not sure the raw form is available in share-able formats. I've asked AVO seismologists about this, and will get back to you if someone has captured the helicorder pages. We do make all of our modern seismic data available to the public in near-real-time via IRIS, but the old paper records are considerably more difficult. Thank you, Cheryl Cameron -------- Chagnon Glynn wrote: Good Day A quick question. Do you release time series data recorded at your stations to the public? For instance recordings from the 1998 Redoubt Eruption at the REF station. I looked at the IRIS website and it does not list REF stations in their data holdings. If you do make them available, where would I be able to download it? Thank you Chagnon -- Cheryl Cameron Geologist, Alaska Volcano Observatory Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys voice: 907-451-5012 fax: 907-451-5050