--------------------------------------------------------------- The following message was sent to you via AVO Web Email System: --------------------------------------------------------------- Name: James Email Address: froglips.jmwj@gmail.com Subject: AVO Web Email Message: Your Website is changed dramatically. I liked the old version of your website. It was superior in every way and was far easier to navigate. The information was easily accessible and was front and center. This new website setup is garbage. I wasted 10 minutes trying to navigate and locate the webicorders that you use. The information is spotty at best and only shows one or two individual recorded sheets. The old version had that too. But it also had an active recorder image that updated regularly. This new system is NOT useful at all and makes it difficult at best to track volcanic and seismic activity. Why did you switch to this new system? I hate it... James ---------------------------------------------------------------- REMOTE IP ADDRESS: USER AGENT/BROWSER: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:122.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/122.0 REFERRING PAGE: https://www.avo.alaska.edu/contact