Hello Eleanor - Volcanology is a competitive field, and most volcanologists have PhDs - often in a subdiscipline like volcano seismology, petrology, geodesy, etc. I am not very familiar with schools in the UK, but I know Durham University has a strong volcanology program (or at least did, a few years ago.) This page has some more information: http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/observatories/cvo/young_volcanologists.html Also recommended are volcanological field schools, like this one: http://www.uaf.edu/geology/academics/international-volcanology/ Best wishes, Cheryl -------- Eleanor Macdonald wrote: Dear Sir/Madam My name is Eleanor Macdonald and I am currently studying in England for my GCSE qualifications. However, in the future I would hope to pursue a career in Volcanology and I was wondering where I would go after earning a MSci in Geology/ Earth Sciences/ Natural Science specialising in Earth Sciences. I would greatly appreciate some form of guidance as to where I would take my learning after this point as I have been unable to find any answers from teachers in my school. Yours faithfully, Eleanor -- Cheryl Cameron Geologist, Alaska Volcano Observatory Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys voice: 907-451-5012 fax: 907-451-5050