Hello Arune, The Alaska Volcano Observatory does not do very much research into submarine volcanism, so I apologize that I am not a ready fount of references. Our most ecosystem-centric documents are things like these, about the subaerial eruption of Kasatochi: This special issue of Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research: https://instaar.colorado.edu/aaar/journal_issues/issue.php?vol=42&no=3&view=abstracts Coletti, H.A., 2012, Possible effects of a volcanic eruption on the nearshore environment: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 78-81, available online at http://www.nps.gov/akso/nature/science/ak_park_science/volume_11_issue_1.cfm . If you have access to a database like GeoRef, you might try searching it for a bit to look for papers on your particular area of interest with the ecology (invertebrates? chemistry? etc.) Best wishes on your studies, Cheryl Cameron -------- Arune Hopestone wrote: I am in my first year of Senior High school (aged 16) in the UK and am writing an Extended Project (5000 words) on how submarine volcanoes affect the localized ecosystem. I am aware that the research around this subject is quite limited and would be grateful if you could recommend any websites/academic papers/case studies/journals on the specific processes in submarine volcanism and what affect these have on the local ecosystem. Yours sincerely . Arune Hopestone -- Cheryl Cameron Geologist, Alaska Volcano Observatory Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys voice: 907-451-5012 fax: 907-451-5050