Hello Carol - I am not aware of a video like what you're looking for. The closest thing that we have are some timelapse animations of Redoubt's dome growing, like this one: https://www.avo.alaska.edu/images/image.php?id=18724 You can see all of our digital movies (not many!) on this page: https://www.avo.alaska.edu/images/image_search_results.php?volcano=&year... Thank you, Cheryl Cameron -------- Carol Edson wrote: HI- I am the Geology lab tech at a Bay Area Community College in California. We are trying to find video of thick lava actually in motion ( not exploding- we have lots of great footage of that). This could be a growing lava dome or thick lava moving slowly downslope, etc. We want to show the contract to thin mafic lava flows. Any ideas, links, people to contact etc. would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Carol Edson Geology Lab Tech Las Positas College Livermore CA -- Cheryl Cameron Geologist, Alaska Volcano Observatory Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys voice: 907-451-5012 fax: 907-451-5050