[Public Email] Shiveluch Volcano
--------------------------------------------------------------- The following message was sent to you via AVO Web Email System: --------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Juliette Delbrel Email Address: juliette.delbrel@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk Subject: Shiveluch Volcano Message: Hello, I looked through your archives and I can't find any VA reports for Shiveluch/Sheveluch volcano, in fact that name does not even appear in the volcano archives. I looked at WASHINGTON VAAC and it says to refer to ANCHORAGE VAAC for Sheveluch information (I was looking up the April 2023 eruption). So I am a bit confused. How can I get hold of this information? I already have TOKYO VAAC data, but I was curious to have a look at yours too. Best, Juliette ---------------------------------------------------------------- REMOTE IP ADDRESS: USER AGENT/BROWSER: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.2 Safari/605.1.15 REFERRING PAGE: https://www.avo.alaska.edu/contact.php
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