Hi Cheryl,
I spoke with IRIS and they said they don’t generally provide phase arrival data. Does AVO provide this kind of data to IRIS, or is it available publicly anywhere else?
Thanks for your help.
Kimberley Wagner
Sent from Mailhttps://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986 for Windows
From: Avoemails@avo.alaska.edu
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 11:32:09 AM
To: Kimberley Wagner
Subject: Re: Earthquake data from AVO monitoring stations
Hi Kimberley,
All of our seismic data is archived in near-real-time at IRIS: https://www.iris.edu/hq/. We're the AV network.
I'm looking to get earthquake data from the AVO monitoring stations. Specifically I'm looking to see if there are P and S wave arrival times available for events. I have found the catalog of events for different years with source information, but I haven't found arrival times in a similarly usable format (excel sheet, CSV, etc).
Thank you for any assistance you can give with this.
Kimberley Wagner
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