Hello SPC Kyle Wortz: You can reach AVO at (907) 786-7497. During significant activity, this phone number is staffed; at other times, you can leave a message with our answering service and the appropriate on-duty personnel will get back to you. You can also sign up for our message products to be delivered via email: http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/vns/ Fort Richardson is also on our formal call-down list. In the event of unrest or eruption of Alaska volcanoes necessitating a call-down from AVO (typically a color-code change), AVO-Anchorage currently calls Fort Richardson/US Army Command Center (907) 384-6666. If this is not the appropriate number, please let us know. Thank you, Cheryl Cameron -------- SPC Kyle Wortz wrote: ALCON, I work with US Army Alaska (USARAK) on Fort RIchardson in G33 Current Operations and we are currently putting together an emergency contact roster/information of local, state, and other federal agenencies in the area. We are interested in AVO providing us a point of contact in the event of a volcanic emergency in the State of Alaska or volcanic activity IVO Alaska that may hinder our operations. We're looking for a subject matter expert that in case of emergencies can answer questions and provide basic information to USARAK. Please feel free to call me at 907-384-6721 and you can speak with either myself or my supervisor if you have any questions. Thank you for your time. Kyle Wortz SPC, USA USARAK G33 -- Cheryl Cameron Geologist, Alaska Volcano Observatory Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys voice: 907-451-5012 fax: 907-451-5050
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