Hello David - Well, hm! Buying and installing 1 seismometer costs several tens of thousands of dollars, and then a couple thousand dollars yearly. Each volcano needs 4+ seismometers to be adequately monitored. It's never occurred to us that we could seriously get seismometer-amounts of money through social contributions. And we're not sure about sidestepping legislative authority like that, either (we're a government organization). Thank you for thinking of us! -cheryl -------- David Loring wrote: Why don't you consider starting a worldwide "Adopt An Alaskan Volcano" campaign to get some funds to repair the seismos? Use FB and Twitter to get the message out. Every little helps as a certain supermarket says. -- Cheryl Cameron Geologist, Alaska Volcano Observatory Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys voice: 907-451-5012 fax: 907-451-5050
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